
█承接插画、漫画、水彩画、书法篆刻、英汉互译、写作任务 Freelance writer, translator and illustrator.
█约稿E-MAIL: 2811406297@qq.com
█QQ: 2811406297


Watercolor sketch, Mrs. Fang, another character from TV serial "All Quiet in Peking"


画材 Art supplies:

  • 保定宝虹全棉水彩纸200克16开(细纹) 24cm*18cm—— 不知道为什么任何颜料在这种纸上都会沉淀形成颗粒。Baohong® 100% cotton watercolor paper(Hot Press), 200GSM, 240mm*180mm. Do not know why but all colors granulate on this kind of paper.

  • 廉价颜料中亲自精选的好物 Self-selected cheap fine paints

  • 廉价人造毛笔刷(10号和4号),全是国产货 Random inexpensive synthetic brushes (#10 & #4), all domestic products

  • 酷喜乐® 水溶彩铅(黑色和棕色) Koi-I-Noor® water-soluble pencils (black & brown)

耗时 Time consumed:

  • 前后总共10小时,边看电视剧边画 10 hours in total , drawing and painting while watching the show


检讨 Self-examination:

  • 这种纸张吸水慢,但水干得很快,水纹不易控制,害我把人物画老画丑了。太抱歉了。 This watercolor paper does not absorb water quickly but dries out quickly. It is difficult for me to fully control the water mark on such paper, and as a result, the character looks older and uglier than he really is . I am so sorry.

  • 过程中途,画面看起来很可怕。不可因畏惧或挫折感放弃,要坚持到底。The painting looked horrible during the process. Must not give up for fear or frustration, but stick to it until it is done.


@不知好歹的野丫头 小妈奉上!

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