
█承接插画、漫画、水彩画、书法篆刻、英汉互译、写作任务 Freelance writer, translator and illustrator.
█约稿E-MAIL: 2811406297@qq.com
█QQ: 2811406297


[Watercolor Study sketch/notes] The Flying Apsaras (as in the frescoes of the Dunhuang Caves, Gansu Province of China)

尝试近来购买的金色和仿古色熟宣 (一种用胶和矾特别处理过的古老纸张,其特点在于遇水墨不渗化)。

Tried recently bought "shu xuan" in golden and archaize  (Treated Chinese rice paper, which refers to an antique type of paper specially treated with vitrioland gum, it has the character of no seeping. It is know for the character of no seeping.)



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