
█承接插画、漫画、水彩画、书法篆刻、英汉互译、写作任务 Freelance writer, translator and illustrator.
█约稿E-MAIL: 2811406297@qq.com
█QQ: 2811406297

图片用LOFTER的手机版编辑过。Edited with LOFTER's APP
写着我的名字,看我一指禅,不让你看。With my name written on it.  Blocked it with the tip of my finger.
贴着一张自制色卡,还有一把几何模版尺。Homemade color swatch card attached, together with a geometry template ruler
画笔和颜料。Brushes and Paints.
大家一起来个合影。Everyone in one shot.


My brand new & frugal(?) watercolor palette, with Rubens® 24 full pans, a small tube of titanium white, several cheap brushes, a green multi-functional template ruler and a home-made color swatch card. The detailed swatch, see  http://thelittlex.lofter.com/post/20239d_a455449.


Dislike the shiny pan-fixing metal device that comes with this box. Simply glue the pans onto a hard paper board, and then stuff into the box, just to save some space for the brushes. 


The more I have on my plate, the more I like to fool around, super sluggishly.

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