
█承接插画、漫画、水彩画、书法篆刻、英汉互译、写作任务 Freelance writer, translator and illustrator.
█约稿E-MAIL: 2811406297@qq.com
█QQ: 2811406297


Background music when crazily and happily busy

水彩:歌文颜料在阿诗纸上 Watercolor: Cotman on Arches


15 really beat-up full-pans + PV19?(Perm. Magenta?)+ Skin Tone(reddish)


Background music when crazily and happily busy



Music from "Slamdunk":

  • 巅峰对决:牧绅一和仙道(各曲英文名均为自译而非官方)

 "The War for MVP:  Shinichi Maki v. Akira Sendoh"

https://yunpan.cn/cqACmdxhY5t2G (提取码password:6d17)

  • 棋逢对手:仙道对流川

"A Fine Match: Sendoh v. Rukawa"

https://yunpan.cn/cqACQwRxmwEhB (提取码password:2378)

  • 冷酷的流川枫

“The Ice-Cool Rukawa Kaede”

https://yunpan.cn/cqAhIfNzQ8r5H (提取码password:9f65)

  • 燃烧的赤木队长

“The Flaming Captain Akagi”

https://yunpan.cn/cqACJaA3Ggnat (提取码password:a690)

  • 直到世界的尽头——似乎是“浪子回头”三井寿的主题

“Till the End of the World”-- seems to be the theme for the "prodigal son" Mitsui Hasashi

https://yunpan.cn/cqACnrnAiTjLI (提取码password:1ebe)

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