
█承接插画、漫画、水彩画、书法篆刻、英汉互译、写作任务 Freelance writer, translator and illustrator.
█约稿E-MAIL: 2811406297@qq.com
█QQ: 2811406297


Two quick Landscape sketches with watercolor. Already given to my dear artistic friend together with the frames, did not  get a chance (too lazy) to scan them, but sniped two photos.


Pic on top: From a wonderful documentary "Secret Britain" by BBC. Documentaries are placeboes for us, to whom  "working at the scene from life or nature is not an option".

工具:保定宝虹200G/M²水彩纸,画幅24*18cm, 歌文固体颜料,尼龙12号圆头笔

Tools: Baohong watercolor paper 100% cotton 200G/M², dimension 24*18cm, Cotman watercolor pans, a #12 round nylon brush

耗时:2 小时。

Time consumed: 2 hours.


Pic below:  a view at the lake nearby,  a real scene of "The ferry-boat moves as though someone were poling”(a verse by Bai LI, translated by Bryner )


Tools: Mont Marte 180G/M² A4*15P Pad, dimension24cm*21cm, unknown watercolor paints, a #12 round nylon brush

耗时:2 小时。

Time consumed: 2 hours.



  • 提笔之前,心里应当计划地更好些。

Need to plan better in heart,  before picking up the brush.

  • 钴蓝似乎比群青、天蓝更适合画晴朗蓝天。它不够透明的属性可以是优势

Cobalt blue seems to be better than ultramarine or cerulean blue for a clear sky. Its lack of transparency could be an advantage.

  • 纸不同,水干的速度大不同。摸一摸纸的背面,可以感受其干湿度。

Water dries at very different pace on different kinds/brands of paper. The damp can be felt by touching the backside of the paper. 

热度 ( 9 )

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